Tuesday, July 21, 2009

necessity of returning to the land

We have been taught by Jefferson's struggles with Hamilton, by Calhoun's with Webster, and in the woods at Shiloh or along the ravines of Fort Donelson where the long hunter's rifle spoke defiance to the more accelerated Springfields, that the triumph of industry, commerce, trade, brings misfortune to those who live on the land.

It is a war to the death between technology and the ordinary functions of living. The rights to these human functions are the natural rights of man, and they are threatened now, in the twentieth, not in the eighteenth century, for the first time. Unless man asserts and defends them he is doomed...

The answer lies in a return to a society where agriculture is practised by most of the people.

-Andrew Nelson Lytle, from The Hind Tit in I'll Take My Stand

1 comment:

  1. This, more likely than not, will be our future. The evildoers will be as a fish out of water!
