Thursday, July 9, 2009

It is later than you think...

Look at the red moon, now rising white over the trees. Perhaps we should go on? You seem to be eager and wide-eyed and really there is much more to cover.

I will, however, warn you. The truth is a terrible burden. Once you know it, once you see it for yourself, there is no going back. You must determine to openly fight or submit. You cannot hold it down. It screams for oxygen. It is a star that wants to shine. And there is nowhere left to run. You live in the luxury of ignorance now but know that you are denied the truth. You live in a fantasy realm. You who with your bright eyes would follow me have not yet seen what I have seen, heard what I have heard, known what I have known. And I have powerful eyes and powerful ears and a powerful voice that has reached deep into the gaping jaws of Leviathan. I return from the land of the dead to confront you with the awful truth. Breathing hot on my neck are the minions of hell. They will try to feast upon the fiber of our brain that the fathers worked so hard over the centuries to build. But we have tonight, you and I. We sit around this warm fire and we dream of a brighter day while the dark valley closes in upon us...

It was a long time before the spell wore off. It wasn't until I was floating over the 40,000 fathoms without a lifeline, with no money, no food, no method of transportation other than my two feet. I literally had nothing but an urge, the will to survive. That's when I noticed the seam. You see, that's the lie. That we live in a seamless world. We don't. I, John Blitz, saw the seam and broke through the veil to the other side...

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