Thursday, May 7, 2009

Cosmatrix - Bright World

At the highest or deepest level there was the cosmatrix, that all-in-all state of purely transcendent, but nonetheless totally sentient, being. According to our illustration the cosmatrix is a dimension even higher than that of the cube - a dimension where everything is everywhere. Probably the best word to describe the quality of that formless fullness is interpenetration. Next there comes the tripartite realm which we have come to call the bright world. One could say that the cosmatrix is like a super-saturated solution which is ready to crystallize when subjected to the catalytic action of the bright world. That is, the bright world precipitates the potential energy of the cosmatrix into the kinetic circumstances of the mundane plane. While the bright world is inherently subtle it contains the chemical formulas which underlie the dense elements of planet earth.

In other words the bright world is the numinous nexus of formative principles that are the precursors of bodily existence. It comprises the sum of the individualizing process which simultaneously reduces Spirit into Matter and transubstantiates Matter into Spirit. As such it can be identified with the anima mundi or "soul of the world" of which philosophers have long spoken(26).

-Marcia Moore, Journeys Into the Bright World

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