Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Order

The substance of every true and stable political organism is something resembling an Order in charge of the principle of the imperium, comprising men who see loyalty as the basis of their honor ( as the saying of the Saxon code goes)(131).

...on the one side stand the masses, in which, besides changing feelings, the same elementary instincts and interests connected to a physical and hedonistic plane will always have free play; and on the other side stand men who differentiate themselves from the masses as bearers of a complete legitimacy and authority, bestowed by the Idea and by their rigorous, impersonal adherence to it.

The true task and the necessary premise for the rebirth of the "nation" and for its renewed form and conscience consists of untying and separating that which only apparently, promiscuously, or collectively appears to be one entity, and in reestablishing a virile substance in the form of a political elite around which a new crystallization will occur.

The essential task ahead requires formulating an adequate doctrine, upholding principles that have been thoroughly studied, and, beginning from these, giving birth to an Order.

This elite, differentiating itself on a plane that is defined in terms of spiritual virility, decisiveness, and impersonality, and where every naturalistic bond loses its power and value, will be the bearer of a new principle of a higher authority and sovereignty; it will be ab le to denounce subversion and demagogy in whatever form they appear and reverse the downward spiral of the top level cadres and the irrestible rise to power of the masses.

From this elite, as if from a seed, a political organism and an integrated nation will emerge, enjoying the same dignity as the nations created by the great European political tradition. Anything short of this amounts to a quagmire, dilletantism, irrealism, and obliquity.

-Julius Evola

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