Friday, April 24, 2009

The Cosmic Doctrine

Perception ceases at the barrier of manifestation. Of that which lies beyond we can only know by analogy.
Of the Unmanifest, we can only say: IT IS.

The Unmanifest is the Great Negation, at the same time it is the infinite potentiality which has not occurred.

Think of the Unmanifest as inter-stellar space.
Think of the LOGOS as a Sun surround by his solar system of planets and of the emanations of the LOGOS as Rays.

Manifestation begins when duality occurs.
The prime duality is 'Space' and 'Movement'.
The first manifestation was a current in space.

When space moves two forces are at work:
a) the force which causes it to move
b) the force which had hitherto caused it not to move.

The desire for inertia continues as a check upon the movement; that is why there is no such thing as a straight line.
It eventually returns to the spot whence it started, and forms a spinning ring.

Ring-Cosmos - source of force from which evolution draws its momentum.
Ring-Chaos = source of force which dissolution draws its power.
...evolved from the reaction of the prime force in order to take its thrust.

It was the attraction of the Ring Chaos inducing a secondary spin in the Ring Cosmos which forms the Ring-Pass-Not.
Evolution is a thrust towards the center.
Devolution is a suction into Outer Space.

The Ring Cosmos seeks to extend the center.
The Ring Chaos seeks to expand the circumference.

These two influences are the source of all forms in the Cosmos.

Evil is simply that which is moving in the opposite direction to evolution.
Resist not Evil.
When you resist evil you lock up good.
You lock up the force of good which holds the evil inert.

You must hate with hate sufficiently to cause a locking up of the force.
You must hate the hate and, having rendered evil inert by opposition, the love can take its stand upon a firm platform and use it as a thrust block.

Therefore you can only oppose evil when you wish to do constructive work.
You never oppose evil when you wish to destroy.
You make a vacuum around it.
You prevent opposition from touching it.

Therefore evil, when unopposed, resolves itself into the undifferentiated raw material of existence.
It ceases to be organized...transmuted through neutrality into good.

Whatever stresses arise may be analyzed into the balancing of these three forces.
a) Ring Cosmos - tends toward the center
b) Ring Chaos - tends toward outer space
c) Ring Pass Not - holds the balance and prevents either from going to extremes

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