Friday, June 19, 2009


"Nevertheless, there's more reality in it than in the wiseacrings of an "expert" in monkey-business.'
"Well, then, my boy...
"When this subsequent essence-friend of mine, Gornahoor Harharkh, was informed of what was required of him, he invited us by a sign to approach one of the special appliances which he had made and which, as it later turned out, was named by him 'Hrhaharhtzaha.'
"When we were nearer the said special and very strange construction, he pointed to it with a particular feather of his right wing and said:
"This special appliance is the principal part of the whole of my new invention; and it is just in this that the results are revealed and shown of almost all the peculiarities of the Omnipresent-World-substance-Okidanokh.'
"And, pointing to all the other special appliances also present in the 'Khrh,' he added:
"I succeeded in obtaining extremely important elucidations concerning the omnipresent and everywhere penetrating Okidanokh, because thanks to all these separate special appliances of my invention, it became possible, first to obtain all three fundamental parts of the Omnipresent-Okidanokh from every kind of sur- and intra-planetary process and then artifically to blend them into a whole, and secondly, also artificially to disassociated them and elucidate the specific properties of each part separately in its manifestations.'
"Having said this, he again pointed to the Hrhaharhtzaha and added that by means of the elucidating apparatus, not only can any ordinary being clearly understand the details of the properties of the three absolutely independent parts-which in their manifestations have nothing in common-of the whole 'Unique-Active-Element,' the particularities of which are the chief cause of everything existing in the Universe, but also any ordinary being can become categorically convinced that no results of any kind normally obtained from the processes occurring through this Omnipresent World-substance can ever be perceived by beings or sensed by them; certain being-functions, however, can perceive only those results of the said processes which proceed for some reason or other abnormally, on account of causes coming from without and issuing either from conscious sources or from accidental mechanical results."
"The part of Gornahoor Harharkh's new invention which he himself called the Hrhaharhtzaha and regarde as the most important was in appearance very much like the 'Tirzikiano' or, as your favorites would say, a 'huge-electric-lamp.'
"The interior of this special structure was rather like a smallish room with a door that could be hermetically closed.
"The walls of this original construction were made of a certain transparent material, the appearance of which reminded me of that which on your planet is called 'glass.'
"As I learned later, the chief particularity of this said transparent material was that, although by means of the organ of sight beings could perceive through it the visibility of every kind of cosmic concentration, yet no rays of any kind, whatever the causes they may have arisen from, could pass through it, either from within out or from without in.
"As I looked at this part of this said astonishing being-invention, I could through its transparent walls clearly distinguish inside in the center what seemed to be a table and two chairs; hanging above the table, what is called an 'electric-lamp'; and underneath it three 'things' exactly alike, each resembling the 'Momonodooar.'
"On the table and by the side of it, stood or lay several different apparatuses and instruments unknown to me.
"Later it became clear that thesaid objects contained in this Hrhaharhtzah, as well as everything we had later to put on, were made of special materials invented by this Gornahoor Harharkh.
"And as regards these materials also, I shall explain a little more in detail at the proper time in the course of my further explanations concerning Gornahoor Harharkh.
"Meanwhile bear in mind that in the enormous Khrh or workshop of Gornahoor Harharkh there were, besides the already mentioned Hrhaharhtzaha, several other large independent appliances, and among them two quite special what are called 'Lifechakans' which Gornahoor himself called 'Krhrrhihirhi.'
"It is interesting to note that your favorites also have something like this 'Lifechakan' or 'Krhrrhihirhi'; and they anme such an apparatus a 'dynamo.'
"There was also there, apart, another independent large appliance, which, as it afterwards appeared, was a 'Soloohnorhahoona' of special construction, or as your favorites would say, a 'pump-of-complex-construction-for-exhausting-atmosphere-to-the-point-of-absolute-vacuum.'
"While I was looking over all this with surprise, Gornahoor Harharkh himself approached the said pump of special construction and with his left wing moved on of its parts, owing to which a certain mechanism began to work in the pump. He then approached us again and pointing with the same special feather of his right wing to the largest Lifechakan, or Krhrrhihirhi, or dynamo, further continued his explanations.
"He said, 'By means of this special appliance, there are first "sucked-in" separately from the atmosphere, or from any intra- or surplanetary formation, all the three independent parts of the Omnipresent-Active-Element-Okidanokh present in it, and only afterwards when in a certain way these separate independent parts are artificially reblended in the Krhrrhihirhi into a single whole, does the Okidanokh, now in its usual state, flow and is it concentrated there, in that "container" -saying which, he again with the same special feather pointed to something very much like what is called a 'generator.'
"And then from there,' he said, 'Okidanokh flows here into another Krhrrhihirhi or dynamo where it undergoes the process of Djartklom, and each of its separate parts is concentrated there in those other containers'-and this time he pointed to what resembled 'accumulators'-'and only then do I take from the secondary containers, by means of various artificial appliances, each active part of Okidanokh separately for my elucidatory experiments.
"'I shall first demonstrate to you,' he continued, 'one of the results which occur when, for some reason or other, one of the active parts of the Omnipresent-Okidanokh is absent during the process of their "striving-to-reblend" into a whole.
"'At the present moment this special construction contains a space which is indeed an absolute vacuum, obtained, it must be said, only owing firstly to the special construction of the suction pump and to the materials of special quality of which the instruments are made, which alone make experiments possible in an absolute vacuum; and secondly, to the properties and the strength of the material of which the walls of this part of my new invention are made.'
"Having said this, he pulled another lever and again continued:
"'Owing to the pulling of this lever, that process has begun in this vacuum whereby in the separate parts of the Omnipresent-Okidanokh, which is proceeding at the present moment there in this vacuum, has a force, as calculated by objective science, of 3,040,000 what are called "volts," and this force is indicated by the needle of that special appliance there.'
"Pointing to a 'something' very much like the apparatus existing also on your planet and called there 'voltmeter' he said:
"'One of the advantages of this new invention of mine for the demonstration of the given phenomenon is that in spite of the unusual power of the process of the "force-of-striving," now proceeding there, the what are called "Salnichizinooarnian-momentum-vibrations," which most beings consider also to be "rays," and which ought to be obtained and to issue from this process, do not issue out of the place of their arising, that is, out of this construction in which the particularities of the Omnipresent-Okidanokh are being elucidated.
"And in order that the beings who are outside of this part of my invention may nevertheless also have the possibility of elucidating the force of the given process, I intentionally made the composition of the material of the wall in one place such that it has the property of permitting the passage through it of the said "Salnichizinooarnian-momentum-vibrations" or "rays."'
"Having said this, he approached nearer to the Hrahaharhtzah and pressed a certain button. The result was that the whole of the enormous Khrh or 'workshop' was suddenly so strongly lit up that our organs of sight temporarily ceased to function, and only after a considerable time had passed could we with great difficulty raise our eyelids and look around.
"When we had recovered and Gornahoor Harharkh had pulled still another lever, which resulted in the whole surrounding space being restored to its former usual appearance, he first, with his customary angel-voice, again drew our attention to the 'voltmeter,' the needle of which constantly indicated the same figure, and then continued:
"'You see that, although the process of the clash of two opposite component parts of the Omnipresent-Okidanokh, of the same power of "force-of-striving" still continues, and that the part of the surface of this construction which has the property of admitting the passage of the said "rays" is still open, yet in spite of all this there is no longer the phenomenon which ordinary beings define by the phrase "the-causes-of-artificial-light."
"And this phenomenon is no longer there, only because by my last pulling of a certain lever, I introduced into the process of the clash of two component parts of Okidanokh, a current of the third independent component part of Okidanokh, which began to blend proportionally with its other two parts, owing to which the result derived from this kind of blending of the three component parts of the Omnipresent-Okidanokh-unlike the process of the non-law-conformable blending of its two parts - cannot be perceived by beings with any of their being-functions.'

-G.I. Gurdjieff, from Beelzebub's Tales to his Grandson


  1. For instance, could the three elements of the Okidanokh be, electricity, magnetism, and light?

    the experiments with Gornahoor Harharkh might indicate this. (aside: did Gurdjieff meet Tesla?)

    the 'floating' might have been the force of EM energy cancelling out the much weaker force of gravity. It is also thought that the force we call gravity, might be from EM energy affecting dipoles at the molecular level, in matter.

  2. BTW even though I submitted that blog reply anonymously, you can write to me at if you like.


