Thursday, November 27, 2008

The Enemy of Gold

The Scandinavian counts called their leader "the enemy of gold," since as a leader he was not allowed to keep any gold for himself, and also "the host of heroes," because of the pride he took in hosting his faithful warriors, whom he regarded as his compainions and equals, in his house. Even among the Franks prior to Charlemagne, participation in a particular mission occurred on a voluntary basis; the king invited people to participate, he appealed to them; at times the princes themselves proposed a course of action - in any event, there was neither "duty" nor impersonal "service," since everywhere there were free and highly personalized relationships of command and obedience, mutual understanding and faithfulness. Thus, the idea of free personality was the foundation of any unity and hierarchy. this was the "Nordic" seed from which the feudal system arose as the background to the new imperial idea.

"The prime obligation of the entourage's allegiance is to protect and guard him and
to credit their own brave deeds to his glory: the chieftain fights for victory, the
entourage for the chieftain." - Tacitus

Once the mission was accomplished, the original independence and pluralism were reestablished.

-Julius Evola, Revolt Against the Modern World

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